
Florida's Advocate for Long Term Care Providers and the Elders They Serve

Quality Improvement

Culture Change Survey

In late June and July of 2010, FHCA conducted a survey to obtain a baseline of information on culture change activities in Florida’s long term care facilities. The Culture Change Survey was developed over several months by FHCA’s Culture Change Council and the results will be useful in guiding future Council activities.  Thank you to those who completed the survey.  The results are of value to the Culture Change Council and will benefit all of our members.

There were a total of 161 respondents to the Culture Change Survey representing approximately 25% of the FHCA membership with the majority of the respondents from nursing homes.  79% indicated that their facilities had a culture change philosophy and had embarked on the “culture change journey.”  Over half of the respondents indicated that they were in the Transformational Model of culture change where awareness of culture change is spreading among direct care workers and the leadership team.

The majority of the respondents indicated that the FHCA Culture Change website was the most valuable resource to them in their culture change journeys.  Close to half of the respondents were familiar with the Artifacts of Culture Change Tool on the FHCA website.  Of particular significance is the many ways in which the tool was reported as being used to include:  helping staff understand what culture change is all about, determining what area to focus on first, identifying barriers to change, helping to set goals, measuring progress, and making residents’ dreams come true.

Finally, the respondents indicated interest in future culture change activities.  The interests are listed below in rank order from those most interested in, to less interested.

• Organizational Leadership for Culture Change
• Forming Culture Change Teams
• Person-Centered Dining Practices
• Managing Change in Organizations
• Person-Centered Bathing Practices
• Business Aspects of Culture Change

Click here to download the summary of responses from the Culture Change Survey.

The journey of transforming long term care settings where people live and work is continuing!