
Water Management Training for Nursing Homes and ALFs

Effective water management programs are mandated for nursing facilities by CMS and highly recommended for assisted living facilities by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a best practice. To maintain daily operations and care services, health care facilities need to develop an effective water management plan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a total or partial interruption of the facility’s normal water supply.

FHCA has partnered with American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) to offer an affordable, online Water Management Training course that informs long term care staff on:

  • What a water management plan is
  • How to identify the elements of an effective water management program, and
  • How to develop and maintain a comprehensive water management program in your facility.

The online one-hour training contains five modules and is designed for administrators, building engineers and maintenance department personnel, DONs who have not been trained as Infection Preventionists, and other staff responsible for building operations or infection prevention and control.   

The per-individual cost for the training is $25 for FHCA member facility staff and $65 for non-members. An online final test and certificate of completion are included with each registration. 

Make sure your facility is ready to address the threat of water-borne pathogens and external water interruptions by having a thorough and effective water management plan in place.