Facility Operations

Emergency Preparedness Tools

  Ordering Emergency Preparedness Tools

Emergency Management Guide for Nursing Homes
This guide provides an established format for developing a basic plan, offers direction for developing standard operating procedures for use during an emergency, and addresses specific hazards which may threaten a facility.

Disaster Preparedness Guide for Assisted Living Facilities
This publication has been developed by the Florida Health Care Association and the American Health Care Association as a reference tool to help any assisted living facility in the development and implementation of a disaster preparedness plan.

Emergency Preparedness Training and Exercise Guide for Nursing Homes
This guide's concepts and step-by-step planning process are designed to assist nursing homes to become proficient in developing, conducting, and evaluating preparedness exercises that meet the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program standards.

The Nursing Home Incident Command System
An Incident Command System designed for nursing homes emerged from work funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation (2006-2008) and, more recently, the Florida Department of Health. Developed by the Florida Health Care Association, the Florida Department of Health, and member nursing home providers and experts, the Nursing Home Incident Command System uses the national Incident Command System as an overlay to existing nursing home emergency management systems, resulting in an organizational system which respects both.

National Criteria for Evacuation Decision-Making in Nursing Homes
A first of its kind, the criteria supports nursing home administrators, regional representatives, and owners in identifying external and internal triggers that contribute to a decision to evacuate or shelter-in-place. Available as a separate download and is a component of the Emergency Management Guide for Nursing Homes.

Defining Emergency Operations Basic Plan Elements: Modified for Nursing Homes from FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101
This original FHCA publication addresses the Basic  Emergency Operations Plan elements. It modifies the definitions of FEMA’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101, placing the meaning into the context of the nursing home operational environment to help providers build an EOP that is recognizable across emergency management offices and first responders. 

CMS Emergency Preparedness Checklist Recommended Tool for Effective Health Care Facility Planning (revised December 2013) 
This CMS recommended tool, originally developed in 2007 and updated in 2009, was revised in December 2013 and was accompanied by Survey & Certification Letter 14-12-ALL, issued February 28, 2014.