2024 Hurricane Season Reminders

Listed in: Emergency Preparedness

The 2024 Hurricane Season begins June 1, and FHCA wants to remind members about important preparedness activities as they prepare for the season. A recent update from the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) included the following reminders:

  • Review emergency management plans;
  • Test emergency generators;
  • Review loss of power plans; and,
  • Ensure sufficient emergency supplies are available.

Facilities should also verify contact information in the Health Facility Reporting System (HFRS) so that it is up to date, including cell phone numbers and at least one contact who is designated as the Safety Liaison responsible for reporting in data during a storm. This is especially important if there has been a change of leadership at the facilities. Mobile numbers are now required as part of that update, as AHCA will be implementing text messaging during emergencies to send important updates and reminders. Note that AHCA now has legislative authority to impose penalties on providers who do not report into HFRS when the system is activated, so it's important to identify more than one individual who will be responsible for reporting into HFRS should there be power/internet outages that could affect your ability to report.

Facilities should also:

  • Verify utility information for each type of service listed (list all utility account numbers for your facility);
  • Verify the generator information listed is current and complete;
  • Confirm the planned evacuation location(s) information is current and accurate; and,
  • Document the source of transportation that will be used if there is a need to relocate residents.

AHCA is also encouraging facilities to check the agency's Generator Status Dashboard for your facility’s compliance status. If you believe the information reported for your facility requires correction, please contact the appropriate licensure unit for help [ALF Unit: (850) 412-4304, Long Term Care Services Unit: (850) 412-4303].

AHCA also created printable posters and handouts to assist providers with preparing for hurricane season. Click here to access these resources.

FHCA has additional resources, including a list of Utility Partners and members-only tools such as the Hurricane and Plant Operations Checklists, disaster drill templates and more available here.