News & Publications: Press Releases

FHCA Statement on Coronavirus

“The trained health care professionals at Florida’s nursing centers are taking the threat of Coronavirus most seriously, as the safety and well-being of residents and staff is always our highest priority. Our members are focused on minimizing the potential risks by boosting preventive actions and utilizing fundamental infection control protocols, including the use of eye protection, standard hand hygiene procedures, contact and airborne precautions, and other key practices within their centers.

“Preventive measures include daily cleaning of commonly touched environmental surfaces, using an EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectant to decrease environmental contamination taking the steps necessary to optimize surveillance programs to identify cases, clusters, and outbreaks of disease; re-educating all staff – both clinical and nonclinical – on proper use of personal protective equipment; implementing policies to stop visitors who are sick from entering the centers, providing them with alternative ways to visit with their family members; and ensuring that health care providers avoid working while ill and developing policies to account for potential absenteeism during community-wide outbreaks.

“FHCA has activated our standard emergency preparedness activities, including frequent calls with nursing homes and establishing a dedicated coronavirus web page. In addition, we remain in close contact with the Florida Department of Health, the Agency for Health Care Administration, the CDC, and other state and federal partners to monitor the virus and communicate updated information and ongoing resources to our members.”

Kristen Knapp, APR
(850) 701-3530 or