News & Publications

Long Term Care Photo Contest

Every day, long term caregivers, residents, families and friends are doing inspiring things. What better way to showcase those stories than by sharing photos that capture Inspiring Moments and reflect the acts of quality care and kindness happening in your care center. FHCA member skilled nursing centers and assisted living facilities are invited to submit photographs for the 2025 Long Term Care Photo Contest, sponsored by Incite Strategic Partners. Your center just might win $500 toward a social event for your residents and staff!

Choose from several categories that reflect the Inspiring Moments theme when submitting your photo — activities and events, holidays, health-related services or portraits. Photos should depict some aspect of daily life in your care center. For example, you may want to show residents interacting with staff or participating in activities, therapy or special events. You can showcase any aspect of long term care, from medical professionals to recreational entertainment to support services like housekeeping and dietary.

The contest is open to amateur photographers *who live, work or volunteer in an FHCA member skilled nursing center or assisted living facility or are employed by an FHCA member. *Photography should not be the primary form of employment and/or revenue for the individual submitting photographs. There is a limit of 3 photos per member facility. All winning photos, along with the narratives, will be displayed during FHCA's Nurse Leadership Program and the Annual Conference & Trade Show, as well as on FHCA’s website and through additional promotions by FHCA.

Now Accepting Submissions

Deadline: February 25, 2025

A limit of 3 photo submissions is allowed per FHCA member facility. Photos must be submitted through the online link below; emailed submissions will not be accepted.

When uploading your photo via the Photo Submissions Form below, be sure to include the Photo Release Form, which must be signed by every person in each photo. *If you experience difficulty submitting your entry, please contact Kristen Knapp at

*In addition to FHCA's Long Term Care Photo Release Form, members are reminded to review CMS S&C Letter 16-33-NH: Protecting Resident Privacy and Prohibiting Mental Abuse Related to Photographs and Audio/Video Recordings by Nursing Home Staff. Residents' rights to privacy of their appearance and property are protected, along with their right to be portrayed with dignity. Photos must have clear consent of the resident or his/her legal representative.


FHCA's Photo Contest Judges (includes Florida Leaders and members of the FHCA Public Relations Committee) select up to 20 finalists, after which the public has an opportunity to vote for the top three overall winners via the FHCA Facebook page. Everyone entering a photo is notified by late March, with finalists given instructions on how to participate/promote the Facebook voting contest.


  • The center’s photo earning the most Facebook votes is selected as the Overall Winner and receives a cash prize of $500.
  • Second Place Overall Winner receives $300.
  • Third Place Overall Winner receives $200.
  • Each winning center has the opportunity to use the cash prizes toward a center-wide pizza party, ice cream social or other event for residents and staff.
  • Each photographer for Overall, Second and Third Place receives a $50 VISA gift card.