
Florida's Advocate for Long Term Care Providers and the Elders They Serve

Quality Improvement

AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program

The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living encourages member nursing centers and assisted living facilities to participate in this distinctive awards program built on the principles of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Health Care Criteria. For technical questions, such as obtaining username and password, obtaining or questions about past applications submitted from your center and online submission help, please contact the AHCA Quality Award Team. *The application status and application history is strictly confidential between your center and AHCA/NCAL.

FHCA members are committed to these awards, as proven by the significant number of each award level earned to date. For the list of active recipients, click here.

2025 Application Information

Quality Award Portal
Click here to submit your application.

If you need help with navigating the Portal, tap here. Contact AHCA/NCAL at with any questions. 
2025 Program Dates

All deadlines are 8:00 p.m. EST

2025 Bronze, Silver, and ​Gold application packets and resources are available. Click here for resources. Save these dates! 

  • November 14, 2024: ITA deadline. Submit now.
  • January 23, 2025: Application deadline

Renewal Policy

In 2014, AHCA/NCAL introduced a new renewal policy that affect all the current and past recipients. Under this policy, Bronze and Silver Quality Award recipients have two options to choose from to maintain “active” recipient status. Option 1 is to apply for the next award level within the following 3 years. With this option, the applicants are not required to receive the award to renew the active status for another 3 years. Option 2 is to reapply for the same level. With this option, however, the applicant must receive the award to renew the active status for another 3 years. For example, a 2020 Silver recipient must submit (option 1) a Gold application by 2023 award cycle and may or may not receive the Gold Award, or (option 2) another Silver application by 2023 award cycle and receive the Silver Award to renew its current status until 2026 award cycle.

Quality Award Applicant Resources

AHCA/NCAL Applicant Resources for Bronze, Silver, and Gold applicants: Click here.

*AHCA/NCAL now allows nursing centers that are not members of FHCA to participate in the National Quality Award Program. National Silver and Gold Quality Award recipients will receive 5 points for the Quality Add-on under the Prospective Payment System.

Quality Award Recipient Resources

AHCA/NCAL offers recipient resources by award level, such as logos, planning guides and template press releases. Recipients also may purchase customized Quality Award banners with center names, label pins, and customized polo shirts.